So this is basically a pulley bolted to the ceiling, balancing two different objects of different masses each. Let's assume the rope and pulley have no mass, or just very little of it, enough so it doesn't interfere with the end result, and let's say there's no friction. You would want to find the acceleration of the objects as they fall and drag the other, plus you would definitely want to find the tension of the rope (g is the variable reffering to gravity, 9.8m/s, but 10 would work just fine if you're doing it off the top of your head. So, first off, this is the formula for the acceleration, good job atty:
I know, it's amazing, but now, for the friction, you choose m1 or m2, doesn't really matter. Let's pretend m2 is 8kg for this example:
That is the first pulley example, sooner or later I'll upload an explanation of the second machine model, bye bye