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In fact, reading multiple lines from files is even easier than # reading them from the shell using input. # Before a program can read data from a file, it must tell the operating system # that it wants to access that file. Files sitting in the same directory as # the running program in IDLE can be reffered to just by using the filename # eg. text.txt. This is the setup we will use in the challenge. # Directories and paths # A directory is the technical name for a folder. Accessing files in other # directories requires extra directions to the file called a path. # There are two kinds of paths: absolute paths and relative paths. # An absolute path starts from a fixed (or absolute) location on disk # called the root(which on Windows is the drive name, like C:). # This means absolute paths can be accessed in the same way from any directory. # On windows, absolute paths therefore start with a drive letter. On Mac OS/X # and Linux, it means an absolute path starts with a forward slate, # Example: /usr/bin/python3.3 # A relative path starts from (that is, is relative to) the current directory # goes from there. The relative path... refers to the parent directory # so ../../data.txt goes up two levels to the parent directory, to find data.txt # Whereas data/colours/rainbox.txt goes down two levels from the current directory # inside data, and then colours to find rainbox.txt # An absolute path is like a set of directions that start from somewhere recognisable # while a relative path is like a set of directions that start from where the # person is standing now. # Opening files # The process of requesting access to a file is called opening a file # just like it is for users, and is done using the builtin function, open or file # This creates a Python file object which we can then read from. For instance: ''' f = open('ncss.txt') for i in f: print(i, end='') ''' # This angle bracket representation is used for types in Python that it doesn't # make sense to print (like the whole contnts of the file). But it lets you # know that the file exists and you've successfuly opened it. # Looping over files # Ok, now after all that it's easy to read from an opened file! # Here's our words.txt file: ''' f = open('ncss.txt') for line in f.readlines(): print(line.strip()) ''' # That's all there is to reading in a file! As you can see it is actually # shorter than using input in a while loop. Notice that we have put a strip # on the print line. That's because line still has the newline character # on the end. Try removing it to see what happens to the output. # Now we can actually make this a bit shorter because we don't need to put the # file in a seperate variable (f), so we can substitute it straight into the for # loop itself: ''' for line in open('ncss.txt'): print(line.strip()) ''' # This produces the same output as the example above and is the # recomended approach to read input from files. ''' with open('ncss.txt') as f: for line in f: print(line.strip()) ''' # Reading a list from a file # Reading from a file into a list is also pretty simple: ''' colours = [] for line in open('ncss.txt'): colours.append(line) print(colours) ''' # Notice that the newline characters are still attached to the end of the string. # To remove the newline characters we would have to chop them off either with # a slice line[:-1] or with a line.strip() which removes whitespace from the # right hand side of the string # Reading a dictionary from a file # Reading from a file into a dictionary is a little more complicated because we # not only want to read the lines, but we also need to split each line into # the key and the value: ''' numbers = {} for line in open('ncss.txt'): english, french = line.split() numbers[english] = french print(numbers['three'], numbers['two'], numbers['one']) ''' # Functions # A function is an independant, named chunk of code that performs a specific # operation. It can be run called by referring to it by name with any information # called arguments it needs to do its job. # By now you will have had lots of experience calling builtin functions like input # or in. Both input and in take a single argument, For input this is the message to # display to the user, eg. 'Enter a number: ', and for int it is the value # to be converted into an integer, eg. '10'. # Different languages (and textbooks) someitimes have different terms for # functions. They may also be called routines, subroutines, subprograms, procedures # messages for methods. Mant languages differentiate procedures from functions # by saying that functions return a value but procedures don't # Since languags like C/C++ and Java have a void or empty return type # (equivalent to None in Python) the distinction no longer makes sense. # Using functions in Python is easy - so east that we have been using them without # really bothering to properly introduce function calls. On the whole, defining # your own functions in Python is straight forward. How ever, there are a number # of tricks that can catch you out occasionally. We mention some of those # things over the next few notes. # The clever thing about functions is that the same bit of code can be called # again and again, rather than having to write out multiple times. If we need # to make a change to that code we only have to do it in one place rather than # each copy. Also, we can use functions to hide complicated code so we don't # have to think about it so carefully when we use it. # Function calls # To call a function you need to know how many arguments the function is expecting # and what type of values they are. For instance, the abs builtin function takes # one argument which must be an integer or float (or a complex number) ''' print(abs(4)) print(abs(-11)) print(abs(-3.14159)) ''' # Hopefully, if the function's purpose is well defined it will be obvious what # information the function needs and why. That is, unless you have a number, then # it is meaningless to ask about it's absolute value! # A function call consits of the function name, which may need to be preceded # (or qualified by the module name, followed by the arguments surrounded by # parentheses). A common mistake is to forget to put the brackets when the function # takes no argumnet # Unfortunately, abs without the parantheses is not an error since abs is a # variable which holds the actual code that performs the absolute value. Typing # abs, is asking to see the contents of the variable, not call the function. # Creating your own function # Functions in Python are created using a definition statement. The def creates # a function from the indented function body and assigns it to the name of the # function. ''' def hello(name): return 'Hello ' + name Name = input('Name: ') print(hello(Name)) ''' # A definition statement consits of the keyword def, followed by the function # name (here hello), and then a list of zero or more arguments in parentheses # (here just one, name). The parentheses must be present even when the function # takes no argument. The def line must end with a colon (like control statements) # The code block of the function must be intended as in control statements # A function to calculate factorials # Here is a function that performs factorial, that is for a number n it calculates # n!=n×(n−1)×(n−2)×…×2×1=∏i=1ni # so 5 factorial, written 5, is 5x4x3x2x1 ''' def fact(n): result = 1 while n > 1: result *= n n = n - 1 return result intt = int(input('Enter number to calculate in fact: ')) print(fact(intt)) ''' # As you can see those factorial numbers get very large vert quickly! # To define a function with more than one arg, you can list multiple arguments # in the parenthesis after the function name, comma seperated. ''' def add_two_nums(a,b): return a+b print(add_two_nums(5, 10)) # 15 ''' # The return statement # As we have seen, some function (such as fact above) need to give the result # of their execution back to the caller, This is done using a return statement. ''' def add(x, y): return x + y r = add(5, 10) print(r) ''' # A return statement immediately terminates the running function and control is # passed back to the called, that is, the line of code the function continues # If return is given an argument, then it is returned to the caller and can be # stored in a variable, used in an expression, or discarded. # If return is not given a value, then no value is returned to the caller # (None is required instead). This is the same as a function which has finished # executing and does not have a return statement. # Exiting a function early # Because a return statement terminates the execution immediately, it is ften used # to exit from a function before the last line of code. ''' def hi(): print('hello') return print('there') hi() ''' # In this example, print('there') will never get called because the return statement, # will cause the function to exit before the second print is reached. # As in the above examples, when a function needs to return an argument, the return # statement is followed by a single expression which is evaluated and returned to # the caller. A return statement can appear anywhere, including inside if, for # and while statements, in which the case the function immediately returns. ''' while 1: def day(name): if name in ['Saturday', 'Sunday']: return 'This is a weekend!' elif name in ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday']: return 'This is a weekday!' else: return 'This is not a day!' nam = input('Enter week0finder: ').capitalize() print(day(nam)) ''' # More on function arguments # Another complication is that you can't change values that are passed into a # function: ''' def add_one(x): x += 1 y = 5 add_one(y) print(y) ''' # You might expect that we call this function on a variable, say y, then the value # of y would be incremented by one after the function call, However, running # this shows the value of y = 5 # Outside the function nothing has changed, but x inside the function would have # been incremented by one. This is because Python functions make a copy of # their arguments (called pass by value) rather than access the original variable. # So in the case above, a new local variable x has been created containing a copy # of the contents of the variable y that was passed in as an argument during the function # call. When we modify x inside the function we are only modifying that local # variable. # What this means is that if we want to modify a variable we need to pass it # in to the funtion and then return it, like this: ''' def add_one(x): return x + 1 y = 5 y = add_one(y) print(y) ''' # There is one final complication with passing by value, and that is that Python # data structures are stored as references. We don't want to go into details of # that means now, but the gotcha is that they can be modified (but not assigned) # inside a function call: ''' def append_one(x,c): x.append(1) y = [] append_one(y) print(y) append_one(y) print(y) ''' # More dictionary methods # Sometime you'll need to either retrieve the value for a particular key from the # dictionary, or use a default value if the key doesn't exist. This typically takes # 3 lines of Python. ''' val = 'default' if key in d: val = d[key] ''' # However, getting a key-value pair or default is so common, dictionaries provide the # get method to simplify this: ''' val = d.get(key, 'default') ''' # The first argument to get is the key. If the key is in the dictionary then the # corresponding value is returned, otherwise the second argument to get # (here'default') is returned # If you want to copy the key-value pairs from one dictionary to another, Python # provides the update method. ''' d1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 5} d2 = {'a': 4, 'c': 6} d1.update(d2) print(d1.sort()) ''' # Notice that not only does the new key 'c' have the value 6 from d2, but the # value for a has also been updated to the value from d2. # Miscellaneous string tricks # To make a couple of the questions a bit easier, here are a last couple of # miscellaneous tricks: # Firstly, the string module has some useful constants: ''' import string print(string.punctuation[5]) ''' # If you need to strip off all punctuation, you can now use: ''' x = 'Hello!' print(x.strip(string.punctuation)) ''' # Note that the .strip() method only strips off leading and trailing punctuation. ''' x = '- one - two - three -' print(x.strip(string.punctuation)) ''' |